This goes towards ability to relate and humanize potential violent attackers, their trends and their psyche. We continuously (with the media’s help) make the mistake of dehumanizing these people and calling them monsters, animals and predators when we need to be looking at the characteristics they have that are like ours to relate to them. Remember, the more we have in common the more we can start to use the element of prediction.) We have more in common than we know and think many of the same thoughts, if we’re honest. The difference is that these individuals act on theirs where we don’t. The element of shame and guilt shouldn’t factor in as we’re human in nature, truly. It’s not awful to get in touch with your inner monster to be able to relate to the one you may potentially face. If you were a criminal, what would you see in a potential victim:

  1. “Gazelle” group detachment: stragglers, lagging behind, slower/submissive
  2. Submissive body language: see body language program
  3. Lacking in situational awareness: blind spots, location, potential attack spots
  4. Inward body language, introverted
  5. Weakness in physicality: frail, thin, bent, lacking strength, handicap, infirmity, overweight, walking with aid-walker, cane, wheelchair, lacking physical definition
  6. Eye contact lacking, looking down
  7. Uncomfortable shoes: not able to run, high heels, dress shoes, boots
  8. Hands occupied: unable to fight back as encumbered by items carried
  9. Alone
  10. Aged
  11. Looking for someone not able to fight back physically, a target
  12. Attachments to grab for leverage: earrings, noserings, long hair,
  13. Setting: dark, poorly light, low populace, sidestreets, back alleys, rural/urban areas, isolated
  14. Combinations of above (9 & 13, for instance)
  15. Voice: meek, quiet, reserved
  16. Gait: short steps, limited/minimal/no arm movement, hunched over, body movements in, short distance between steps


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